Field of play: Field hockey pitch
A hockey pitch is the playing surface for the game of field hockey. Historically, the game was played on natural turf (grass) but nowadays is predominantly played on an artificial turf.
The transition onto artificial pitches came during the 1970s and was
made mandatory for major competitions in 1976. All the lines, markings
and goal specifications are outlined by the International Hockey Federation in "The Rules of Hockey".
All line markings on the pitch form part of the area which they define. For example, a ball on the side line is still in the field of play; a ball on the line of the penalty circle is in the penalty circle; a foul committed over the 23-metre (25-yard) line has occurred in the 23-metre area. A ball must completely cross a boundary line to be out of play, and a ball must wholly cross the goal line before a goal is scored.
Due to the original formulation of the rules in England, the standard dimensions of a hockey pitch were originally expressed in imperial units. The rules are now expressed explicitly in metric dimensions (since 1998) although the use of the imperial terms remains common in some countries.
Diagram of a hockey field
The hockey pitch is rectangular in shape. The longer perimeter edges are called the side line, the opposing shorter edges are referred toe back line and the portion of this between the goal posts is known as the goal line.
The side line must measure 91.40 m (100 yd) and the back line should
measure 55.00 m (60 yd). There must be a minimum run-off of 2 m at the
sidelines and 3 m at the backlines which may be a different surface for
the final metre. All line markings must be white and 75 millimetres
wide. In each corner of the pitch, a corner flag of no more than 300 mm
square is attached to a post of height 1.20–1.50 m.
Historically, the pitch dimensions were imperial and were replaced by metric equivalents in 1998. The first recorded rules represented what London clubs were using at the time. Surbiton Hockey Club's minutes from 1876 stated that pitches were to be "100–150 yards (91–137 m) long and 50–80 yards (46–73 m) wide". Rules by the Hockey Association of England in 1886 specified "100 yards long by 55 to 60 yards (50 to 55 m) wide". In 1905, the International Rules Board allowed the width of the pitch to be "up to 66 yards (60 m)" but this decision was reversed in 1909. In 1975, the current width of 60 yards was written into the rules.
On artificial surfaces, the field of play should be coloured green, ultramarine blue or signal blue. It is permitted for the run-off portion of the pitch to be an alternative colour.
All line markings on the pitch form part of the area which they define. For example, a ball on the side line is still in the field of play; a ball on the line of the penalty circle is in the penalty circle; a foul committed over the 23-metre (25-yard) line has occurred in the 23-metre area. A ball must completely cross a boundary line to be out of play, and a ball must wholly cross the goal line before a goal is scored.
Due to the original formulation of the rules in England, the standard dimensions of a hockey pitch were originally expressed in imperial units. The rules are now expressed explicitly in metric dimensions (since 1998) although the use of the imperial terms remains common in some countries.

Field to play

Historically, the pitch dimensions were imperial and were replaced by metric equivalents in 1998. The first recorded rules represented what London clubs were using at the time. Surbiton Hockey Club's minutes from 1876 stated that pitches were to be "100–150 yards (91–137 m) long and 50–80 yards (46–73 m) wide". Rules by the Hockey Association of England in 1886 specified "100 yards long by 55 to 60 yards (50 to 55 m) wide". In 1905, the International Rules Board allowed the width of the pitch to be "up to 66 yards (60 m)" but this decision was reversed in 1909. In 1975, the current width of 60 yards was written into the rules.
On artificial surfaces, the field of play should be coloured green, ultramarine blue or signal blue. It is permitted for the run-off portion of the pitch to be an alternative colour.
Goals consist of two upright posts placed equidistant from the centre
of the backline, joined at the top by a horizontal crossbar. The inner
edges of the posts must be 3.66 metres (4 yd) apart, and the lower edge
of the crossbar must be 2.14 metres (7 ft) above the ground. The
goalposts and crossbar must be white and rectangular in shape with width
50 millimetres (2 in) and a depth of 50 to 75 millimetres (2 to 3 in). A
backboard of height 460 millimetres (18 in) extends for the width of
the goal and a sideboard of the same height must extend for at least
1.20 m; the goal must be at least this deep at ground level and at least
0.90 m deep at crossbar level. Affixed to these boards, the posts and
crossbar is a net to stop the ball.
The first hockey goals were "7 feet (2.1 m) tall posts placed 6 yards
(5.5 m) apart" but were reduced to 4 yards (3.7 m) apart in the 1886
rules. In 1987, a rule was introduced so that at penalty corners
"the first hit at goal should not cross the goal-line higher than 18
inches (460 mm)". This saw the introduction of a sideboard and backboard
to the goals which are now mandatory.
A view of the penalty circle(solid line),the broken circle 5 m from it,and the penalty spot.
A goal is scored when the ball passes completely over the goal line
but only if the ball was played (by a defensive or offensive player) in
the penalty circle. Additionally, the circle marks the area a
goalkeeper may play the ball with any part of his body and the area
where an infringement by a defender results in a penalty corner. The
terminology circle (or D) is widely used although the area
is actually formed by a 3.66-metre (4 yd) straight line, parallel to
the goal line, connected to two 14.63-metre (16 yd) quadrant arcs.
The 1876 rules stated that "no goals shall be allowed if the ball be hit from a distance of more than 15 yards (14 m) from the nearest goalpost". A visible "striking circle" with "radius of 15 yards" was codified in 1886. The radius of the circle was increased to 16 yards (15 m) in 1951 for men's hockey and 1968 for women's hockey. Any free-hit within 5 m of the circle must be taken back to 5 m from the circle; a broken circle 5 m from the penalty circle denotes this location and became mandatory in 2000.
A penalty spot is centrally positioned directly in front of the goal and used for a penalty stroke. The spot is 150 mm in diameter and its centre is 6.475 m from the outside of the goal line. Penalty strokes were introduced in 1963 for deliberately stopping a certain goal; they were originally taken 8 yards (7.3 m) from goal. In 1973, a stroke could also be awarded for a deliberate foul in the circle and the spot was moved to 7 yards (6.4 m) from goal the following year.
A half-way line, parallel to the back line, divides the pitch
in two. The start of each period of play and resumption of play
following a goal starts with all players in the half they are defending.
The line was also used for the obselete offside rule.
Each half of the pitch is then bisected again by a line, referred to as the 23 metre line or 25 yard line, positioned 22.90 m from each back line. Historically, this was first used to resume play after the ball passed over the back line and marked by flags at the side of the pitch. In 1949, deliberate defensive offenses in this area resulted in a penalty corner. From 1961, players on the defensive team who were not involved at the penalty corner stood behind this line (this was then moved to the half-way line two years later). The line was also used for the offside rule between 1987 until the rule was abolished in 1996. Nowadays, there are detailed rules regarding fouls and free-hits in the 23 metre region of the pitch. Since 2015, the 23 metre line has also been used for the attacking team to resume play when it has gone over the back line (this replaced long corners).
There are additional markings 300 mm long and perpendicular to the back line that denote distances of 10 m and 5 m from each goal post. These are relevant at a penalty corner; the former is the mark from which the attacking team takes the penalty corner and the latter is the closest position which a defender may stand. These marks had been 5 and 10 yards (4.6 and 9.1 m) in earlier versions of the rules. There is a similar mark 5 m from along the side line (from where long corners were formally taken) and a mark 14.6 m along the side line indicating the level of the top of the penalty circle. There are also 150 mm long markings where the goal posts are situated.
Historically, the game was developed on natural grass turf. However, in 1976, the International Hockey Federation (FIH) made artificial pitches mandatory at all major competitions. The 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal was the first of these; however at this time few players had seen nor played on synthetic pitches.
Although it is still permissible to play on natural turf all national
competitions and international matches must be played on an artificial
surface. Elite-level competitions, such as the Olympic Games and World Cup, require a water-based playing surface. However, due to water conservation
efforts, this is not seen as a long-term sustainable option and
alternative elite surfaces that do not require water are being
There are three main types of artificial hockey surface:
Penalty circle

The 1876 rules stated that "no goals shall be allowed if the ball be hit from a distance of more than 15 yards (14 m) from the nearest goalpost". A visible "striking circle" with "radius of 15 yards" was codified in 1886. The radius of the circle was increased to 16 yards (15 m) in 1951 for men's hockey and 1968 for women's hockey. Any free-hit within 5 m of the circle must be taken back to 5 m from the circle; a broken circle 5 m from the penalty circle denotes this location and became mandatory in 2000.
A penalty spot is centrally positioned directly in front of the goal and used for a penalty stroke. The spot is 150 mm in diameter and its centre is 6.475 m from the outside of the goal line. Penalty strokes were introduced in 1963 for deliberately stopping a certain goal; they were originally taken 8 yards (7.3 m) from goal. In 1973, a stroke could also be awarded for a deliberate foul in the circle and the spot was moved to 7 yards (6.4 m) from goal the following year.
Other markings
Each half of the pitch is then bisected again by a line, referred to as the 23 metre line or 25 yard line, positioned 22.90 m from each back line. Historically, this was first used to resume play after the ball passed over the back line and marked by flags at the side of the pitch. In 1949, deliberate defensive offenses in this area resulted in a penalty corner. From 1961, players on the defensive team who were not involved at the penalty corner stood behind this line (this was then moved to the half-way line two years later). The line was also used for the offside rule between 1987 until the rule was abolished in 1996. Nowadays, there are detailed rules regarding fouls and free-hits in the 23 metre region of the pitch. Since 2015, the 23 metre line has also been used for the attacking team to resume play when it has gone over the back line (this replaced long corners).
There are additional markings 300 mm long and perpendicular to the back line that denote distances of 10 m and 5 m from each goal post. These are relevant at a penalty corner; the former is the mark from which the attacking team takes the penalty corner and the latter is the closest position which a defender may stand. These marks had been 5 and 10 yards (4.6 and 9.1 m) in earlier versions of the rules. There is a similar mark 5 m from along the side line (from where long corners were formally taken) and a mark 14.6 m along the side line indicating the level of the top of the penalty circle. There are also 150 mm long markings where the goal posts are situated.
Artificial playing surface
There are three main types of artificial hockey surface:
- Unfilled or water-based - artificial fibres that are densely packed for stabilisation, requires irrigation or watering to avoid pitch wear
- Dressed or sand-dressed - artificial fibres can be less densely packed and sand supports the fibres for part of the pile depth
- Filled or sand-filled - artificial fibres can be longer and less densely packed and sand supports the fibres for 100% of the pile depth
The World Hockey magazine reported on the first hockey tournament played on an artificial pitch in 1975—a trial event in Montreal prior to the Olympics—and said the surface had "enormous benefits". Steve Ruskin, of Sports Illustrated, said that "A slow, analytical game gave way to one of nonstop, true-hop action." However, it has been stated that the decision to make artificial surfaces mandatory greatly favoured more affluent Western countries who could afford these new pitches. Before the switch to an artificial surface the Indian men's hockey team were dominant, winning seven of the eight Olympic gold medals between 1928 and 1964. In 1996, Indian hockey player Ajit Pal Singh stated that despite its size "[India] can afford only 12 or so AstroTurf fields". Sardara Singh, captain of the Indian men's hockey team, said that "hockey players in India play on astroturf for the first time at the age of 19 or 20 and find it hard to adapt." However, the Pakistan hockey team have performed well following the change of surface despite the country being worse off economically and having fewer artificial pitches. When describing the change of surface, Ruskin said that "for India it was like starting over, with all nations even in field hockey."(credit:Wikipedia)
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